

9 ALS from AMT to Philip Hall and 1 ALS from AMT to P.H.F. Mermagen. 1935 - [1952]. These letters were made available by Andrew Hodges who used them in whole or in part in his biography, Alan Turing: the Enigma. Page references are given in brackets. Philip Hall FRS (d. 1982) was AMT's tutor at King's College, and became a life-long friend.

Paper, 11 items in 3 envelopes.



2 ALS from AMT to Philip Hall. 4 Apr. and 30 May 1935. ALS of 4 Apr. refers to a 'small-scale discovery' by AMT (published as 'Equivalence of left and right hand almost periodicity', J. Lond. Math. Soc. 10) (Hodges, p.94). See B/10


5 ALS from AMT to Philip Hall. All addressed from Princeton

22 Nov. [1936] (Hodges, p.123)

4 Apr. [1937] (Hodges, p.130)

30 Mar. [1938] (Hodges, p.144)

26 Apr. [1938] (Hodges, p.145)

n.d. (Hodges, p.146)



2 ALS from AMT to Philip Hall.

n.d. [1951] (Hodges, p.440)

[p.m. 17 Apr. 1952] (Hodges, p.473)


1 ALS to P.H.F. Mermagen (contemporary at Sherborne, d. 1985). n.d. [c. 1947] (Hodges, pp.362-3).