'The nature of mathematics'
'The other Turing machine'
'The physical origin of adaptation by trial and error'
'The recent controversies about the foundation of mathematics'
'The reform of mathematical notation and phraseology'
'The rules of GO'
'The simplest brainiest computer'
'The stability of a randomly assembled nerve-network'
'The use of dots as brackets in Church's system'
'The word problem in compact groups'
'The word problem in semi-groups with cancellation'
'Treatise on the Enigma'
'Turing 4'
'Turing machines'
'Two contour-integral parts'
'Unendlichkeitsbegiff und Widerspruchfreiheit der Mathematik'
Abraham, M
ACE Automatic Computing Engine
Alexander, C Hugh
Almost periodic functions
AM Turing Award
AM Turing's Original Proposal for the Development of an Electronic Computer
Andrews, AJP
Ashby, W Ross
Association of Computing Machinery
The archive is divided into six sections, prefixed by Turing's initials (AMT): A, B, C, D, E, K.
Includes obituaries, tributes, recollections by teachers and colleagues, documents about a biography of Turing, about the AM Turing Award and about a commemorative plaque.
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Includes notes for lectures and talks, typescripts of talks, and off-prints of articles and papers.
Includes 'Treatise on the Enigma', 'Proposed electronic calculator', 'Intelligent machinery' as well as illustrated typescripts about morphogenesis.
Includes letters from Turing to his mother, letters to and from colleagues about mathematical problems, machine intelligence and personal matters.
Videos of lectures and talks given on this day, and a copy of a lecture given by Professor Robin Milner. These items are held in the King's College Archive Centre and are not available online.
Includes more of Turing's letters to his mother, diagrams relating to morphogenesis, press articles and obituaries, a précis of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and photographs of Turing.
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