5 ALS, 1 TLS, 3 APCS and computer typescript from AMT to Robin Gandy. 1952-4. Xerox copies formerly held, then originals received after the death of Dr. Gandy in March 1996, with an additional letter which had not been xeroxed. The letters are all written from Wilmslow where AMT was living when Reader at Manchester University, and where he died. They contain personal material, comments on Gandy's work and thesis, and references to AMT's work. In some cases, all or part of the date has been added in Gandy's hand, indicated by square brackets. Comprise:-
- 1 TLS, [Early 52] (original of K/1/80)
- 1 ALS, 23 Nov. [1952] (original of K/1/81)
- two letters (the first is original of K/1/82) written on computer typewriter with AMS corrections. [Early 1953]
- 1 ALS, 11 Mar. [1953]
- 1 ALS, [1953]. Before 30 May 1953 (original of K/1/84)
- 1 ALS, [1953 or 54]
- 3 APCS, p.m. 8, 10 and 13 Mar. 1954, with 'Messages from the Unseen World', when AMT and Gandy had been discussing Eddington's Fundamental Theory (see Gandy's explanation of these in his letter to M.H.A. Newman in A/8)
- 1 ALS [1954] (original of K/1/86).
Paper, 13 items in envelope.
Note. The originals of the letters from AMT to Robin Gandy 1952-4 were received with an additional letter 'c. 1953 or 54' and were inserted into D/4 to replace the existing xeroxes.
Provenance: Assembled by the A.M. Turing Trust
Copyright: Copyright © The Provost and Scholars of King's College Cambridge